Girl, Wash Your Face Book Club Key Takeaways

Last Sunday, I had the pleasure of hosting a book club for Rachel Hollis’s “Girl, Wash Your Face.” I was was hoping to find a book club of this book, and was disappointed when I couldn’t find one. Then, I got the great idea to host one myself. I posted this idea on Facebook, and so many of my friends in the area were interested in joining me! I think this is a great example of how if you want something to happen, you have to make the active effort to turn your vision into reality.

“If you want something to happen, you have to make the active effort to turn your vision into reality.”

I absolutely loved sharing and listening to all my beautiful, highly accomplished friends.

Here are some key takeaways, from the book and from my friends, I wrote down during our book club that I think may benefit others:

1. The more you pay attention to your life, the more you can change the trajectory: Take the time to evaluate what you are doing, and who you are doing it with. If you are mindful about your actions, and take the time to be introspective, you can make the necessary changes to be the best version of yourself.

2. Embrace your eccentricity. Live true and be you: We are each like snowflakes-unique and beautiful. Stop trying to be like everyone else. Love your perfect imperfections, and do not deny your talents to the world simply because it may not be the most popular option. I am a firm believer that if your tribe is not cheering the loudest for you, then it is time to find a new tribe.

3. Don’t think of yourself as changing, think of yourself as evolving (like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly): I have heard this metaphor many times recently, and I think about it often. A caterpillar is awesome and has its own purpose in life. However, when a caterpillar changes into a butterfly it is no longer a caterpillar. It is an entirely new creature and is an elevated version of itself. Being a caterpillar is fine, but being a butterfly is the ultimate end goal.

4. Any decision you make is NOT permanent. You are allowed to change and evolve. You are allowed to change your mind: Making any type of change can be paralyzing. Should I stay home with my 12-week-old son? Should I take that consulting job? Should I try this keto diet? If you grant yourself the permission to try something out, and then make a change if it’s not working out, you are able to take some of the pressure off of yourself.

5. NEVER make yourself small to make other people feel better. Refuse to live as half of yourself because people can’t handle all of you: I am extremely guilty of this, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. I can think of countless times in my life in which I didn’t raise my hand in class because I didn’t want to be seen as the “know-it-all,” downplayed a really great idea to not be seen as a “show off,” and sat back quietly while someone else got an incredible opportunity so I would be seen as a “team player.” I do think there is a time and a place for everything, I definitely can do a better job of being my own advocate, and not “dulling my sparkle” to make others feel better about themselves. God has made me for more, and to do anything less than my best is a true disservice to myself, my family, and God.


If you have read the book, what were some of your key takeaways? Or what is some great advice your friends have shared with you?